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How loud is an angels’ voice? October 6, 2007

Posted by mercedescoleen in Angels' Lifestyle.
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Well angels’ voices can be deafening:

 When Daniel heard Archangel  Gabriel’s voice in a vision, he described it like the “voice of a multitude” (Daniel 10: 6).

While he was speaking about Jesus’ voice, John described it “as the sound of many waters” (Rev 1:15). Think about a massive crowd yelling at a game like the Olympics, World Cup Soccer and the volume of these voices cannot compare.

Paul said that the voice of the archangel is so loud that it will wake up the dead on the day of the resurrection. Here’s what he said in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16:

“the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God”.

The NIV translation says that “…the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God”.

Based on Daniel’s and John’s description, we know that this voice is extremely loud. Moses reminded Israel that God spoke to them with a “great voice” from the Mount Sinai (Deut 5: 22). Here are some other scriptures that give a picture of the volume of the voice of God and His angels:

* Revelation says that the collective voice of angels is loud as they worship God (Rev 5: 12; 6: 10)

* One angel cried with a loud voice in heaven – who could miss his announcement? (Rev 8: 13)

* Another angel cried with a loud, mighty voice that Babylon had fallen (Rev 18: 2)
* Ps 29: 3 says that “The voice of the LORD is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth”

* Ps 29 says that God’s voice “is powerful” (4), it breaks the cedars (5), it shakes the wilderness (8)

* Ps 68: 33 says the voice of the Lord is mighty.

I remember when I first began to hear Prince Gabriel’s voice in visions, that it sounded metallic. Now it is quite clear to me.

We need to know the Lord’s voice and that of His angels because they have a lot of things to say to us. Many of these are secrets that will help us in our daily lives and instructions about the future. Moreover, when we are in need of help, we can pray and God does yell and scare out enemies witless. That’s great! I hope that you were blessed today and will hear the voice of God and His angels.


1. Jennifer - August 10, 2008

This is not a comment this is a question, Please. Can an Angel make a sound like an owl??


mercedescoleen - April 13, 2009

Hello Jenny
I thought about your question for a very long time. This may be the case but I don’t know at this time.



daniel - June 4, 2012

If an angel has spoken to you, you would know without a doubt. Signs can come in any form though.


2. Was Archangel Gabriel Just An Angel Sent From God « Power of Prayer, Praise and the Word of God - December 27, 2012

[…] Jesus is referred to in the New Testament as The Archangel – 1 Thess 4: 16.   He has an Archangel’s voice (Rev 1: […]


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